About Us

Environmental philosophy

Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho, Ltd. is willing to contribute to protect environmental resources through all employee participated activity with community to protect this spans millennium circular society for the next generation.

Environmental Policy

TKS, as an comprehensive manufacturer of printing machinery, contributes to make this information society richer by providing products and services to newspaper companies and printing companies. 
In order to make effective use of the limited resources on the earth, TKS participates in life circle concerned circular social and environmental protection activities by considering pollution prevention and environmental management systems to sustain natural resources.

  • 1. TKS follows compliance to environmental protection related legal requirements and other TKS agreed requirements.
  • 2. TKS concerns to reduce environmental effects by considering life cycle as such energy saving, reduction of CO2 emission, recycle of materials, disposal matter, and hazardous chemicals control.
  • 3. TKS continues environmentally friendly development of printing machine and peripheral equipment.
  • 4. Raising awareness and knowledge of all the employees by giving practical environmental education.
  • 5. Environmental policy to be informed to all the employees participated to the TKS products manufacture to raise awareness. TKS involved environmental affect and its next objective with applicable scoop range to be reported internally and externally.

october 1, 2021
Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho, Ltd.
President TSUNAMI kiyoshi
