Site Terms of Use

Site Terms of Use

This website( operated by Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho, Ltd. (abbreviated as ‘TKS’ from this line).
When you use this website, you agree and consent to TKS terms and conditions in the use of this website.
Please check here before using TKS website for the latest information since terms and conditions may change without further notice.

Copyrights and Trademarks

Copyrights and trademarks such as texts, graphics, logos, commercials, corporate emblems, and other similar rights and property belong to TKS as original authors and proprietary rights’ owner/authorized user.
Unauthorized access, distribution, transmission or modification of TKS copyrights and trademarks for personal and/or business use, including non-legal rights, non-authority by original authors and other non-approved interests, is strongly forbidden

Any Link to this Website

Disclosure of management entity name, first and last names, plus other required information such as disclosure of intended use and URL/server location are needed when planning to link any website with TKS website.
In addition to the above, if TKS is concerned about the use, the target link contents or the server/connection method, permission of the intended connection or linking site/use may be declined.
Please read and follow all terms and conditions for any link to this website use including copyrights and trademarks, prohibitions and disclaimer.


Prohibited behaviors and actions for using TKS website are stated below:
1.Infringement behavior and potential breaches such as infringing privacy and property of TKS and its third parties.
2.Disadvantageous and harmful acts and disadvantageous and harmful possible acts for TKS and its third parties.
3.Discrediting or discrediting potential acts which can affect the honor and trust of TKS and its third parties.
4.Slander, threat of slander and any possible threatening acts to TKS and its third parties.
5.Disturbance to public peace, order and morals, or any anti-public order and anti-moral act possibility.
6.Criminal behavior, criminal offenses or any criminal offenses possible activities.
7.Fake application and registration or behavior that has possibility to be a fake application and registration for example, registering fake location/e-mail addresses.
8.Harmful program which has/may have computer virus.
9.Against or may be against local or international laws and order.
10.Other behaviors that TKS decides not to be suitable.


The Company is not responsible for the content of the website, its correctness, usefulness, and security even though TKS is paying close attention and making its best efforts.
TKS may modify website URL, content, and information, and/or cancel access server without any notification.
TKS does not accept any legal or financial responsibility for any damages as a direct or indirect result of the above actions.
